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One Woman's Hate, Another Woman's Story - Infertility

Most of the time, I am happy. I struggled but I am happy. I have been struggling with infertility for years now but I try to see the sunshine in each day being child-less. Recently I came upon this post "liked" by one of my Facebook friends that struck me deeply. The person posting this status said that she "hated" young couple who said they are planning to delay having children. My question is why you want to hate? Is another girl's life your own to take care of or yours to direct?

In the post she boldly said she hated the 3 to 4 years delay and also she said she can't stand ladies conceiving at the later age of 30's and above and the crying when they got problem later years of trying to conceive and the children being still very small when they are getting old. 

My answer is DO NOT JUDGE.


I am 33 this years, I got married at the age of 27, we jumped right into having baby soon after but years passed and we weren't given the chance of having a child of our own! We seek fertility treatments the second year of our marriage when we realized that it ain't as easy as we thought it would be. I remembered the needles and injections, the countless amount of medicines and morning and night pills, the patches, the rushing to the gynae's office as we sat together with other happy pregnant couples hoping someday it would be us, the ovulation kit and calendar, the scoping at the doctor, the timed intercourse every month that almost killed our romance, the stress and the tears and not mentioning the money we spend.

When people asked everytime we meet "when is the children coming?" "why not have children now?" what do we say? When people kept poking into our matter offering tonnes and tonnes of advice from why not try IVF to adoptions to pray harder you must have sinned, what do we say? We say what was required to keep these nosy mouths shut! 
The answer : "We are not planning to have children or it is still early to have children" with a wide smile holding back tears. We tried being truthful about our situations but majority of people do not understand the struggle we are going through, the battles we fought with this monster called "Infertility" that messed not only with your ability to have children but with your minds, emotions even our values as a woman.  

I believe "dearie" Esther, whoever you are with your 208 friends who liked your post, you are not someone who walked this road paved with dark clouds and uncertainty called Infertility, because if you are or had been through this journey, you will not be as judgmental as you are with your hate. You would have been more understanding, more kind, offering encouragement instead of hate. Next time if you post something remember everyone got their reasons for being that way, try to understand them before spitting out words like that to fellow women out there. We girls, ladies and women need to empower one another not hate. 

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New Family Member - Yoshi Boo Chan

We always love animals but never really thought about getting a dog until NOW. We know that dogs are adorable, be it big or small but we also heard of the challenges that comes with keeping them healthy and happy. It took us some time before committing ourselves to making this big decision. We planned this after finally decided to get one. We started getting information from internet and also books before deciding the breed of the puppy we are to get. We got so overwhelmed with the information at times and put it aside for months and then we will be back thinking how good it is if we got a dog right now. 

Finally we decided and we are off to find the right dog for our family. We searched for a few months and we found Yoshi Boo Chan. He is a three months old long coated chihuahua boy. Just like any new dog owner who read too much hence expected too much, our first few weeks with Yoshi wasn't quite enjoyable because we were still teaching him the right place to go potty, he was bitey due to teething, he got into everything and anything around the house and the worst part was, he whined and cried whole day and whole night if we were to leave him alone for a while (Even for a few minutes to go get shower). I watched all these YouTube video showing how these dogs get it the first time they were thought to "sit" or "down" and got disappointed when Yoshi didn't even get what I was saying for a few days. There are thoughts about giving up as well but we did not. I was a nervous wreck for the first few weeks, that was the first time I ever been that way. I called my husband every hour to complain and he was online with me at all times. I cried and broke down a few times too many in front of my husband. He never gave up, he told me to hang on because everything will be alright even though he doesn't know the way to solve the problem. 

Many months had passed ever since that day. I am glad today that I hang on to my husband and to my faith in God. I prayed and was ever closer to God during these trying time. Just like many websites said "Do not give up!" I now stand with all the dogs owners and said "Do not give up, it will be worth it." 

Here you go our lovely fur-baby (He is not so baby anymore! Just got neutered two weeks ago).


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