I am a very blessed girl ;) I might not have many gazillions friends to surround me or remember my birthday but I was blessed with a family who loves me endlessly - including my father in law! It fact it was my father-in-law's suggestion that they flew in to celebrate my birthday! I was really happy to have them! I was touched that they took extra effort to book the cake in advance and had it arranged to be picked up near my place! Touched!
Here is my sis! My BFF, I think we are growing to be more alike though!
Especially our chin area! Duh!
Now you got the answer to where we got the chin from!
Miss spending time with her eating dessert and shopping while having long chats!
Arrgh.. Sob! Sob! I miss my mommy!
My father in law too wanna take picture!
Of course the husband must be a part of the pictures taking
Hold tight tight to hubby's fat belly! He! He!
What right do I have to laugh! I am equally fat! Duh!
Although it was nothing of a big celebration but I really do enjoyed the time we get to spend with one another! Now that hubby and I are in Johor, we spend so less time with our family! Family is one of the most precious wealth and I am blessed to have them and we are all so closely knitted. I missed a lot of things that is home - Klang but then as much as I adapt, here Johor is my home now! A place where we have blend in. Remembering the first day when we moved here! I was so frighten by the way people conduct themselves here but somehow 18 months has made my skin thicker and I have learned to block out those people's attitude! My best defense is always to pretend I do not understand Mandarin to corner them from talking to me and to act all debonair so that they will leave me alone or stand in awe! He! He! It works most of the time!
There are 101 things that I missed about home! One of it will be the great Klang food! Yummy! Yum! Yum! I hope we will be going back soon! He! He! Wanna chunk down all ze' food! Well talking about food! We went for seafood dinner right after cake. We decided to try this seafood restaurant because the one we wanted was way too full with people and we did not make reservations! So we end up next door! Well the things are a bit more expansive compare to the one next door! We had quite a lot of things and the bill was quite a lot of money as well! Thanks to both parents for 'belanja-ing' us.
Our big appetites had us wallop all that was serve on the table!
Hence this is what that was left!
Overall 30 is not what I imagine it to be but it was indeed better than I imagine! Sometimes we just have to trust God and not try to take matters into our own hands! We want to be in control but in the end when we let go we just cannot help it but realize that life itself takes a turn for the best & there is no one I am more thankful towards - MY DEAR LORD JESUS ;)
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