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What has the world become?

Its really sad to see the things happening around us today! Places that were once enjoyed by many, journeys that we took care-freely and life that we live rightfully are now being violated and polluted and tarnished! Soon people will not dare to walk around on the road (alright I don't walk out on the street anymore), we will have to live our life always looking over our shoulders! 

Read the news today! Someone got robbed again?!? Someone's window was smashed by snatch-thieves again?!? These are the norm that we read everyday! What has the world become! Just like the Black Eyed Peas sang at the top of their lungs "Where is the love?" Its all missing, people has become so engulfed in greed that they wanted the easy way of gaining money and there is no longer appreciation for life anymore! 

Just like today, I wanted to find an online job to fill in my time, one I could do at my own leisure time... What did I end up reading?!? Scams after scams! People turning poor innocent people's desire into a playground of money milking! Why?! I do not know if this people is to be shamed or the people who blindly let them con is! Well honestly I have read in many articles if the job we are attaining requires us to pay a certain money - Do not pay them BUT sadly as I read through all the experiences shared - those hopeful home-based job applicants were required to pay a certain amount (not very large sum) of money to be registered! 

I just couldn't help but wonder what has human become? Do we need God to treat us like how he treated Sodom & Gomorrah? Where human became so evil and deceitful that he had to destroy them with fire and brimstone? I do not want that to happen! Honestly! I am judge of no man therefore I am not going to go all angry on this matter. What concerned me is that, you CANNOT find a decent "work from home job" in Malaysia! Everything is a scam or sounded like a scam to me! How can a typist earn $1000 per month? I mean literally USD! I was gob-smacken when I saw it! Plus majority of the ads look fishy with the same template and language used!  

For me I am looking for fun - to earn an extra dollar for another Gucci BUT imagined those who really am looking for a job!! Those that really have nothing but this few bucks hoping to multiply it decently! Shame on you money scheming jerks! Cowards who hide behind the guise of the Internet to rob people of their hard earned / safe up money! I am really angry when I thought about it! We just wanted to look for a way out to occupy our time or for some to help their husbands BUT all we find are these losers who has no guts, lazy and sly acting like beggars on the internet prying on what little money we could give! Phuii!!!  

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