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My new babies!

Yeap! This is what my hubby bought me for my birthday yesterday! Was screaming crazy and happy when hubby bought them out of his car as we were going for our romantic dinner! My! My! My! I am so jolly happy! Being 31 still makes me jump with excitement like a little kid! I was beaming the whole journey to the restaurant! Was way happy for words as I played with them.

It was the search for them that touches me! Hubby had to sneak out during lunch hours to find them! Matter of fact they were not very popular here in Johor! Hubby went from pet shop to pet shop until he managed to get them in a remote place in Johor! Awww! That was touching! Touching but sneaky! Few nights, he came back a little late from usual but did not tell me he went in search of these babies! 

I wasn't expecting them actually but was thankful for them! Hubby wants me to be happy, I lost my last one due to negligence in my part! I moved away from my mom's without bringing him along! I had the last one for almost 3 years and he was very huge! I still miss him a lot! Everytime I talked about Tix (that is what we (my sis and I) named him) I had tears in my eyes! I still blamed myself for what happened! Hence hubby wants me to move on and make new memories with these two! They still don't have names yet but I know we will think of some as time passed! 

Now to the new chapter of our lives together! We introduced our Care-a-Lot new edition! Love these babies and of course my boys love them too! Just finish feeding them and bathing them! Now they are clean and running around making noise in their little island home! He! He! Till then my prayers to my Father in Heaven is that they will grow with us and have a healthy fulfilling long life! Amen!  

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