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Nothing personal - My little view!

We all have somehow a certain amount of freedom of speech (not in Malaysia) but we are a free human! I am never the political kind! But off late I have been reading enough bull-shit from Facebook about fellow Malaysians gearing up for rally AGAIN! That is fine if you guys wanna go ahead and duduk! But stop taunting others through your words! Its good that you guys are doing something for Malaysia! 

I am not going to be a part of "sitting" because I will not fight for a "Malay"sia... I am sorry! I am not going to go in and fight to get back a Muslim country, rule by a Muslim government and still be under the Muslim law which we are not very clear about under the opposition! What changed if it is so?? Well I am sorry! I respect the Muslim and the message it brings BUT overdoing it is not necessary! Up until now the opposition has not gone pass of getting hold of the government! What is their agenda? I did not see? Will Chinese be a part of your victory?  What about the Indians? Will we be a better race under you? What are your clear agenda? I want to read about it! Impress ME! Get my vote! Isn't that the way Parliamentary government does it?? We made clear the things that we will bring about to the country, changes, revolutions, betterment by actions NOT by brawls and street demonstrations! 

I am not a supporter of BN! Yet I am not quite a supporter of the oppositions! How do we, Malaysian in general vote? We go into the voting booth and get our little voting slips and then we cross next to the face that we think most likely to our fancy! That is all! How ignorant we are! Because non of these political people has actually given their personal touch to our life! Neither! Then the opposition will say "That is the existing government not us!" Well then instead of catching scandalous politicians in bed with a "paid companion" why not do something different? Touch our life? Make a more equal Malaysia? A lot of things which are unfair, a lot of racial inequality, a lot of misuse of power, a lot of things which are broken we do not fix! Fixed it and definitely you will win! 

We are already graded as a third world country, do something that is meaningful in order for us to rise above that level for the world to see! The news of the world will somehow report and categorized us as "yet another third world country at war against its own self" more than that? Nothing! Corruption within the government so say? Well bring out the proof and we rakyat of a "developing nation" majority degree holders will certainly know what to do! Show to us what will you do when you gain victory! Somehow till now what I see is that whoever wins, the little "grey money" will transfer pocket from the existing fat cat to the barking dog! Therefore show me the actions! Not just words" 

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