Life itself is never easy! The journey consist of tears, blood and sweat! Everything that we have in life is the result of our hard-work! Nothing could make my heart sick more than that difficult first step! Since young things has never been handed over to me in a platter, not born with a silver spoon or a bronze spoon! Ok not even any spoon, we have to fought for our place here in the world! Somehow its been difficult!
Of late I had decided to venture into something out of my own territory - to start my own small business! Well comes to think about it, my blind optimism has led me to believe that this would be easy! Turn out that it was nothing but a waste of time and money! I am writing this with tears in my eyes! All my hopes, excitement and happiness is somehow crushed! My dreams now can go to its grave and I know now how it feels to have done it! One problem has led to another and it all boils down to me wasting my hubby's money AGAIN! I was so enthusiastic to prove that I can handle something like this BUT it was all a dream! Like Carrie Underwood sang with her lungs full of air "THIS IS JUST A DREAM"
I am out of positivism even a little out of faith! Maybe I should just sit still and do nothing but house work, then I wouldn't lost so much money along the way! People might tell me that this is not the end and its just something along the learning curve BUT nothing good has come out of this so far! Suppliers are difficult to handle yet I stayed positive! The taxes that I had to pay along the way has been heavy BUT my hubby never put me down, he kept me going and kept giving me the encouragement and the financial support to build that dream of mine! Its a stupid dream YET he tells me its not! Now I had gone and mess things up! All you haters can now bring on the orchestra and play a full piece of "ode to joy" for me. Your raining on my parade has proven a success! I am soaked!
The biggest bomb dropped for me this morning! My goods are now being held by custom and I need to pay a substantial custom taxes to get it out! So how much do I need to sell the items? With all this cost add up, I would say that it is more than I can sell to even break even! Other people do not face this problem YET its me at the end who is phased with this! At first it was the supplier Western Union cost! And then short items were sent to me resulting extra cost, when I stress the supplier she refuse to reply my mail. Then now it was this, custom hold inspite items being declare as gift?!? I do not know how much I can take this! Maybe it is a learning process and I shouldn't be a quitter BUT my heart is not that strong anymore! I am tired! Then I read a news online that says any small business online, even meant to just sell away second hand items are required to register themselves with the SSM! If caught without registration it will be fine of MYR50,000 or 2 years jail terms or both! Well I do not know what else I am going to be hit with! I am neither here nor there and no customers YET! I am frighten like a little child left out in the cold! #heartsickmodeontilldunnowhen!
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