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The Biggest Loser

Been slacking a little from blogging off late! Well been busy off late! Something exciting is about to start and I will keep you guys informed!

Have you ever watched "The Biggest Loser" on TV? It is a reality program where really-fat-peep challenge one another to lose the most weight! It is really something that is good for them I believe BUT I am not going to talk about these folks or go on promoting the TV series because I have no idea about the actual process of the competition.

What I wanted to write about is that I do not think "fat" people are the biggest losers in any way! In fact some of the bigger size people are among the friendliest and kind hearted ones! (Of course there are also mean ones! The world is a very balanced place) but  the biggest losers in life are those that choose to always BULLDOZE THEIR WAY THROUGH, NEVER ADMITTING MISTAKES & ALWAYS WANT THEIR WAY! I learned in the past weeks that, it is wisdom to keep quiet avoiding conflict then to speak my mind! My auntie taught me that one thing that I come to understand and practice in my life! 

People are going to always put me down but then when it hurts - do not snap back, instead quietly retreat and say a prayer to the Lord! We are no judge of man! Who are we to tell people what to think and what to do? Be quick to forgive as it is for our own good and in that way we will work towards keeping our the relationship between friends and family. I admit that I once was a very hot-headed person and impatient as well, I still am learning each day to keep cool and calm! My husband is the one that I would like to accredit for keeping me calm! I remembered those days where I used to always pick on people's mistake and complaint about every single things! (Example : If a person were to slow, I will criticize that person or maybe if that person walked on the wrong way that crosses my path, I will get very angry and say unkind words!) It was my husband who pointed my bad habit of picking nitty-gritty things about people that gave me a wake up call! Life could do better if we realize our mistake early! Many of us never realize that and hence turn into "THE BIGGEST LOSER" 

I could remember also one day, I was in an anger rage when the Lord turned my attention to the daily devotional booklet "our daily bread" on June 02, 2012 with the title - Fragile Loads and the verse that spoke ever so clearly to me comes from Ephesians 4:32  "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." Wow! Another wake up call indeed! When we pray for God to teach, mold and make us into His image day by day! He never failed and will indeed teach our hearts! To make the message loud and clear the page ended with the footnote that says :

"If you are tempted to lose patience with another, stop and think how patient God has been with you"

The next time you ever want to point a finger! Remember its not being fat that makes you the biggest loser it is your need to always look at the negative side of a person and complaint that makes you ONE! 

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