Yeah! I know! I am suppose to do the Christmas post before the new year post! Now it is downside up! Just like I said, I get a little lazy uploading the pictures so I finally got my lazy self to plug in the camera to the computer. So now I got loads to share!
Christmas every year, hubby and I got a tradition! We will drive all the way to Singapore to watch the lighting at Orchard Road. Before that, we will fly in a week before Christmas just to walk through the crowded street and enjoy the Christmassy atmosphere along the way! Now we just drove, one of the perk of staying in Johor! This is the third year we are doing that! Although every time after sitting in the causeway jam for hours we will swore off going to see it next year, still when the time comes we will pack all our kids (7+1) in the car and off we go!
This year trip did not start all too well! We planned our little sight-seeing on a Friday (BAD IDEA!). Friday is a day where there are terrible jams everywhere & to add to the severity of it, Christmas is just 5 days away! By the the time the husband arrived home it was about 6.30pm and by the time we were out the door, it 7.30pm, we got a quick bite at McD and when we started along the Causeway getting our passport stamped it was already 9.00pm and I was feeling a little dizzy from i-don't-know-what-was-the-reason?! So one could guess the mood wasn't really as great as it was the last year! Plus to make the matter worst! Our car were right behind a heavily modify old Lancer with lousy exhaust sound! It was like a terrible radio show that cannot be shut down! It went Vrroooo-Vroooo without the VROOM beside us the whole time! That dampened my mood all the more but hubby was sweet and he tried to cheer the mood up by telling me jokes and thank goodness after a few sips of Coke my terrible headache was gone! Kudos to Coke and now I wonder what you guys put in! From washing toilet, removing rust to curing headaches! Wow! You should change your name to Miracle Soda!
After sitting in the jam for hours finally we arrived. After consecutively going to watch the Christmas decorations, I would say this year's was a little plain compare to all the years before! The years before the whole street were decked with various colors ornaments and trinkets while each shopping malls and hotels compete to be the most extravagant amongst all but this year it is was just little plain.
Like I said compare to last year, we call this year simple. Simple but nice! Husband joked that this year its about going all "muhibah" (meaning Harmony in Malaysia) as they had "ketupats" (it is a local rice delicacy eat with satay) on trees. (It just a joke people! Don't jump at us ok! A lot of sensitive people in Malaysia). Although I don't see the ketupats but still anything that makes the husband happy right! Ha! Ha!
I didn't take much pictures because I committed a treason for travelling! I did not charge the camera and it ran out of juice halfway. My old faithful iPhone camera just suck so hubby offered me his Samsung phone that I did not know how to maneuver even-though he had taught me for the billionth times! Blame Apple for making their phones so user friendly (No arguing coz I ran an autocratic life here) ! Like I always said "Smarter phones stupider users" I manage to get a few but it still stuck in his phone!
In-spite of everything I still feel happy on my way home! (Although we still had to sit through two hours of jam minus the Vrooo-Vrooo car! Thank God!) It was the time spent with hubby and my colorful kids that makes everything cheerful! No dizziness, camera problem or hours of traffic jams can erase yet another beautiful memory we made!
So among so many which is the one I like the most? The answer is Tangs' decoration! They always have this Bible Verse on the external side of their building and I always anticipate the verse they are going to put up because after all that is the REAL reason for Christmas! The Lord be glorified! This year it was Psalms 84:4 "Blessed are those who dwell in your house, they are ever praising you" Amen! Always be reminded Christmas is the season where we remember Christ and I can say irregardless! This is the one decoration that reminds & enthrones the KING! The real reason for Christmas!
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