Ever had this kind of moments? When things that people said suddenly made sense to you after a long time? Or a joke suddenly sounded funnier when you finally understood the sarcasm behind the obvious! Well that happens to me many times! I had moments when things that people told me does not mean anything but I smile anyway until somehow much later (much much later) I smile all by myself (like a mad lady) because I finally got it!
This incident just happened to me five minutes ago and I had the need to bitch about it instantly! These words were uttered to me some 30 months ago when I was planning my wedding. When this particular person said these to me, I was so busy running through my wedding plans and assignments that I paid no mind to him until now! SUDDENLY!
These are the actual words! "Do you know Wings (A person name)? I think you should invite her to your wedding but before that you can get to know her! She is planning an ultra modern wedding as well, with the cost of 100,000 ringgit & I think she has a lot of contacts and stuff to get things done!"
My answer?! I dunno that person and I don't need her! Thanks (Back to flipping my notes)
I think my nonchalance at that very moment was the right reaction because properly understanding the remarks right now makes me a little pissy! What did he meant by I should get to know this person so that she could help me?! And what's with the big budget on the neon board before the wedding even happened? Come on!
- Each and every person has their own preferences and ways of doing things especially this is my big day! Yeah she is planning an ultra modern wedding but I am planning a cozy small event to celebrate love! If I need someone to plan it for me! I can afford a wedding planner! We decided to do it ourselves because it will be more meaningful
- Just because I did not loud about the money spend doesn't mean mine is lousier!
- Who said I do not have the contacts? I still manage to put everything in place! There were things that cocked up but still the event went on!
- That person 100K wedding happened in a Chinese restaurant & Chinese restaurants already provide half of the items required for the dinner to go on! They do not have to put up a menu, decorations, tents and so on and so forth! As my reception was on the poolside area and ceremony happened in the garden gazebo, we have to plan everything from tent to food to chairs & tables, to decorations & flowers, to band and everything in between!
- Plus what do you mean by ultra modern?! Idea curi-ed from Christian walking down the aisle with 4 flower girls and 12 "ala-ala bridesmaids" is Ultra Modern?!? Come on man! Need me to elaborate more on it?!
- To add to the statement! I knew the bridegroom not the bride and this guy was complaining on the low about the wedding stress & the cost, their newly bought house in Setia Alam & the reason why he is marrying her while trying to hit on my girlfriend & I. I am not going to comment on the matter any further!
For me, I just do not think I need to be boastful about things and I am that kind of person that practices "Don't let the sun set on your anger!" so I am just going to chill and do life with a smile after all its been 2 years since this thing happened! Look forward and Happy 2014! (We still in the mood right coz we are just 7 days in!)
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