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Book Looting - February 2014

Went for my once a month ritual (yes! I got many of those! Like I said.. Age is catching up and we find comfort in doing the norms) and bought these colorful books from Harris! Thank you Harris for making books more affordable to read! These are really light to read, fun, girly girl kind of books! 

Another reason I snatched it up, all three of it is because it is about sisterhood! Love the sisterhood bond with my sis, so therefore any books about sisterhood will always appeal to the inner homely bookworm in me! 

But on the 'oh bummer' side of it... I discovered that this series has four books and i only got three of it.. And the one that I don't have is the first book! Geez! Why does this thing happened to me! Now I am launching a crazy search for the first book, if not how am I suppose to start reading! Thank God I still have The Lord of the Rings books to finish before starting these!(Reading for the seven hundred times) So I am hitting Harris again this weekend and nobody gonna stop me... Ha! Ha! Actually nobody is stoping me! Husband always am supportive when it comes to books! So till then! Xoxo... S

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