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102 days and many more to come

Been married for 102 days, wow it sure looks like many days and years already! Well we had basically settle into good old married couple ways! Although there are many things to discover and many activities to do BUT we are good! (For those who are wondering! Not yet! We are still enjoying life together with our cutie care-bears and baby is NOT in the plan YET!)

Looking back at our wedding pictures those from 18th February and those from the wedding studio! I am glad to say we had our wedding the way we both wanted it! Although everything that could go wrong has gone wrong on that day BUT as we looked back now it was a very pleasant memory that we will bring with us for the rest of our life! We are proud to have planned and brought to life every single details in our big day! Our advice to people who are planning their wedding do what you wanted in your heart of heart! Do not listen to other opinions and most important DO NOT COMPARE! Some people just wanted to do better than so and so or some just have to comply and please all the party! Trust me at the end of the day all the people around you will forget how special it was and how you have satisfied their by-opinions and live like any other day without mentioning it again! It was you who will be stuck with "shouldn't have done it that way" regrets! 

So my advice on how we did it?
We both bought an empty note book and called it "The Wedding Book" we wrote all our discussion in it! As I flipped through it now, it looks like a scribble but indeed it was really sweet to look at it! We both sat down and threw in ideas, non-constructive ideas on how we want a certain part of the wedding to look like, example I wanted a pink and lilac wedding, hubby wanted a wedding where people can mingle, I always wanted a romantic pool side one, and hubby wanted a garden relaxing mode kind BUT all dressy and etc! These are all we put down! And then we disagree over a few things like how the setting of the ceremony should be and how he thought that one flower for one table is outrageously tedious! (Ooo like every healthy couple did, we disagree!) Just talk it through! Marriage strongest foundation is communication! Agree to disagree! Be open! If couples can't come to terms on how the big day should be done! What makes you think that "till death" will be easy?!? 

As I always stress! We must always sit down and roughly plan out how much we are willing to spend! Yes! It is once in a lifetime BUT do not overdrawn what you both have in your bank and what you both could make for the next three months! Do not be slaves to your wedding bills! Make sure you have some for a beautiful honeymoon too (We did!) When it comes to spending, I must admit guiltily that I love to splash BUT thank God for my hubby! He is not stingy but level headed! He is the one that keeps me grounded when it comes to spending, he will always weigh it first what is require and what is reward, so that I do not overspent YET still have all the bags that he could afford! ~la la la~

Do not please or compare
I know it is difficult especially when we are living in a very traditional Asian culture where people still believe that color grants supremacy so on and so forth! Another reason where young people feel pressured to please is because parents still contributes a very large portions of their wedding! I sat down with couples who told us that our wedding look all that breezy easy because we do not have to please! We thank God that our parent were easy going and modern and do not once try to interfere BUT that doesn't mean it was easy when we did not complaint! But most of all try to make it as simple as possible! A simple stick of red or a big basin of goods DOESN'T guaranteed a long lasting marriage! Its is a mature two people who decided to stay together and divorce is a sin that keeps the marriage together!  Plus do not compare! We always have that person that we want to do better than! Do not jump into that attitude where, she has a carriage for her wedding, I am going to do big Cinderella chariots and stuff! Come on! What you wanted and not what that person had! She wanted a carriage doesn't mean you need a chariot ;) So be level-headed!

These are the things that we can share with you in regards to wedding planning! As times goes by when inspiration comes maybe I will continue on! Now its almost time for cooking! So here I go! Signing off for the day! 

Here is an example of our simple wedding day! 
Pool-side and lilac&pink as I like it and relax mingling all dressy as hubby likes it
;) Peace! 

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Dish-washing Liquid

Sitting at home doesn't make me stupider like some people would presume.. In fact I have researched up some really cool stuff and some really cool recipes to improve my cooking! For now I have to really go on about something that I found out recently that makes me go "Oh wow!" We have used it ever since we are old enough to wash the dishes after meals BUT only now I realize that it has so many other usage in which I only now discover! I could indeed called it the one solution liquid - OUR DISH-WASHING LIQUID (Cheh! - OK before you guys switch over just give me a few mo' to actually get over this excitement) What it does?!?

  1. It removes oil stains from your floor & kitchen
    • Really! I discovered this after moving to my new home. We have this open concept kitchen & living so the oil sips through and get the whole floor oily! Therefore to stop my woes I did a Google search to see what I could do! And "wa-dah" I discovered the miracle of dish-washing liquid! So to remove oily stains on the floor, just mixed in a cap-full of dish washing liquid into your washing pail and mop away! If you have sticky & oily floor try mixing hot water & dish-washing liquid together in the pail and you are ready to clean!  
      • Note: Cooking using sunflower oil or any flower oil will result in sticky & oily floor. Whereas cooking using peanut oil and etc will leave you with a oily floor. 
      • Note: Olive oil? Extra virgin, virgin etc etc! Smart you discover this nature's best oil BUT keep in mind olive oil is NOT for cooking & deep frying, just quick stir fry or for salad! 
  2. It remove stain on fabric cause by glue
    • I seldom buy any clothing from "CottonOn" but I do not know why I walked in and found this really nice play-suit! The price tag says its MYR80 but I got it for only MYR30 when I went and pay for it! So happy! Later my joy was cut short when I realized that the huge sticker on the front of the dress that says "I am the all new play-suit" is irremovable!  When I forcefully remove it, it leaves residues that is really prominent and sticky! I smartly threw the receipt away, cancelling any chance of exchanging! So I have to remove it to make my money worth! So I try dish-washing liquid again! To my surprise after a few rubs the what seems like stubborn stains slowly were remove! I have a brand new play-suit! Ha! Ha!
  3. Repels ants
    • I hate dirtiness and what more pest! I live by this rule "I am lazy to do cleaning BUT I hate dirtiness even more!" That is the reason why I am such a cleaning freak! All the more after married! I realize that my kitchen top has a lot of ants and eventually they are making it an island! So I got really pissed off and try washing my kitchen top with dishwasher instead of those commercial kitchen stain remover! And ever since then I realize that it just works! No more ants on my kitchen top! Now I should use some on my dining table! Keep those hardworking insects away! But I have to figure out a way to repel lizards! Oh! I hate them as much as I am afraid of them!
  4. It removes odor!
    • If you have a spray bottle (like those you use for ironing) fill it up with diluted dish washing liquid and spray on your kitchen tiles! It works as good as "Mr Muscle" but twice cheaper! 
  5. Home manicure
    • I love home manicure, matter of fact I have tens and twenties different types of nail colors at home. Realize that when you go for manicure after the manicurist remove dead cells from your nails, they will make you soak your hand in a small boil of warm water? Well I used to thought it was some kind of luxury nail salon formula until they told me it was just eco-friendly dish washing liquid mix with warm water! This mixture will eventually soften your nails and remove grease and stains before painting you pretty! That is what I now do at home too...
  6. Soaked your grissy tools and equipment
    • Your man loves outdoorsy stuff! Well if they come in grissy and all oily, just tell them to wash their hands and feet with the dish washing liquid and they will be clean as normal! And to sound like you are really a smart-ass, wash their grissy equipments in a pail of dish-washing solutions and without telling you will look really smart the next time around ;) 
So here we are some facts that I would love to share with you guys! So happy discovering as I am now going to stock up on some supplies of dish washing liquid! Ta-ta for now! 

My choice of dish-washing! Aiya! You can get them easily from any hypermarket ;)

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Trick Question

Teach me how to answer this question :-

We should be thankful towards our parents, no matter how little we still have to give back to them for the things that they give to us! So did you give to your parents?!??


Either way I answer, I still suffer consequence! I also do not know what to say! I just kept quiet! Next time my hubby pushes me to have lunch with the land-lady, I am going to fight sword and knife to not go! Thank YOU! Keep in mind! Every middle age lady who drives a Benz C class is a kay-poh! That is a deduction that I learned from EXPERIENCE! Thank You! Have a nice day! 

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Just got well today! Was down with flu and fever for two days! Imagine! Two days of immobility! "Jeez! It is good to be alive and healthy!" Thank God for His healing touch upon me! I am able to run about doing my daily chores today! 

In the midst of your busy schedule, neatly divided between personal, work and play, remember to stop for a moment to count our little blessings in life! At time we are too busy chasing papers that we forgot to appreciate the small things that made up the big things we have in life. 
Thank God that :-

  • We are able to wake up this morning to the birds chirping or the noisy neighbor kids badgering over something (How many out there never got to see the sunrise this morning)
  • We are able to sit in the jam to work because we have a car to get there and a job to keep the car moving (these are the things I myself used to curse about every morning! Traffic JAMS! Workloads and etc)
  • We are able to hear the voice of the one we love indicating that we are on their mind all the time (So many are still fighting to find that someone to love)
  • We are able to pick up the call and hear our parents and siblings grumble about their challenges in life (So many out there didn't have that privilege of a family) 
  • We are able to have friends who are just a phone call away! 
  • We can enjoy Internet, air-condition, food, security and so on and so forth in our life

As I am typing this, I began to realize how many things in life I have taken for granted, always complaining about what I do not have instead I should be thankful for the things I have and made improvement to achieve things that should have in the future. 

I remember how hubby shared with me about his employees complaining to him about how humid and hot is it working in the factory, I couldn't help it but to be a bit angry! Thank God for the opportunity to work, many in third world country are struggling to keep their life. I am going to sign off now and start by Thank God for this one particular thing today "I have good health" Amen ;) Enjoy the weekend... 

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Mode Weather Report : SAD

I love using the "Mood Weather Report" in Facebook! Whoever created that cute little report thing is a genius! You make Facebook a little less boring! Thanks! Whoever who haven't try that app yet, do go ahead and try! They do have all this cute little clouds in various different emotions! It is way better and more pictorial in expressing "what is on our mind!" And as much as I love the mood weather report! Here I am totally letting it take over my blog! My mood today is :

Well life has treated me good so far! And honestly I had all my hearts desire! Ok maybe 90% of it!  But life can sometimes bring people that makes you think and think and think and feel down! Therefore over thinking today has resulted in me being really totally under a black cloud! Went for lunch today with my landlady! She been asking for gazillion times! Truth be told I have purposely postponed it until I cant anymore, plus I think its a bad rapport to actually whined about it to my hubby, so I said YES! And we went for our lunch yesterday! 

I have always been proud about myself and the things that I have gone through that makes me the person I am today! I might have some regrets about poor decisions BUT never was I questioned and made to think in such a way! I had worked all my life till now, when I finally gotten a breather someone came and rain on my parade! She kept on going about how proud she is about her job as an investment adviser and that I should not stay home and be a stay-home-wife because that is only for "old & disable"! & she always sort of indicated that staying home has nothing to be proud about in front of the kids as people will look down upon me! Well I do not have any choice but to just kept quiet! She went on to ask me what is my career goal in life?!? "Don't tell me you just drift by??!?" I want to tell her my career goal in life is "to retire early" and I have achieved that - DITTO! But I couldn't, she somehow go on and on for 2 hours about working, working and working! I kept quiet and lick my wound!

Second reason I am sad is because I am SICK again! I had managed to escape food poisoning the week before I went back to KL and now I am back and sick! I am having sore-throat and cold and my whole body is aching already! This is really a sad, bad day! 

Thirdly, I wanted to eat marble cake & Pocket by KFC but today I guess I have no chance! Ha! Ha! Never mind! Hopefully today 22-05-2012 will pass on fast and tomorrow will bring about better happier cloud? 

And yeah! Whoever tells us to go make some babies and stop playing with our care-bears or they are not real, go get a life or so on and so forth! GO FLY KITE! 

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Something for all MOMs

Since we are in the mood of Mother's Day! Do not just let your gratitude towards mom stopped there and you dig it out and dust it off once a year in the month of May to give mom her well deserved "Thank You." Mothers should not be only thank on Mother's Day, its not a sentiment, its not a i-have-to-do-it-since-everybody-is-doing-it ritual! Mommy doesn't need your flowers or your luxury meals on second week of May although they are good! But called mommy up or sent her a text message to tell her you care and you love her today! 

Here is something I read which is so true about MOMMY around the world!

Dedicated to mommy :
You used to be my enemy never let me be free
Catching me in places I knew I shouldn't be
Any other day it crossed my mind I never meant to be so bad
I never thought YOU would become a FRIEND I never had!

(Love you mom.....)

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Everybody needs a little PUSH sometimes

Well when it comes to living life positively! It is easier said than done! People will always have opinions! 

  1. We live luxuriously people will say "Save up money! You are living too boisterously!" and if we live moderately saving everything we have, people will say "Husband can make money YET she live like a pauper! Must be stingy couple" People are always going to have comments! 
  2. Here is another one, now I am a stay home wife and I find some crafts and arts and new dishes to try, when people heard or saw those works, they will say sarcastically "She is a stay home wife! Got nothing to do so do all this thing!" and if I work my 9 to 5 and don't do anything they will say "Husband and family also do not know how to take care! Does she know how to play a character of a wife?!" Well! Day to day, we are drown by opinions of people that do not know how to see the good in other people! 
  3. Here comes another one, if we bought a luxury handbag (because we could afford! No burden or credit card mess!) people's opinion : "This lady is such a spend-thrift! Spending money like water" (well that is the proverb used by Chinese) and add on if I say I went to Europe and get the bag for just MYR3500 (2/3 of the actual price in Malaysia) people will say "Is it real bag??!!??" or people will add on "Go to Europe and buy, calculating the airfare is about the same" well words AGAIN!

These are words, sharing from my own experience! It can knock the "Fun-shine" out of me! But I am a positive person, always cheerful like my mom and auntie used to say! But at times when I am down, the Holy Spirit always let me read something or experience something that lift my spirit up! My cure : The Holy Spirit! These are some of the words that I read and a compilation of words that encourages me! Hope it will help you, the way they helped me!

I always felt encourage when i read this! He is far greater than all my problems add together!
and the positive thing about this "He never let us go through situations that He has not given us strength to go through" So like Mariah sings "I can make it through the rain" Amen!

I have walked this path before, I have heard every venomous words spat against me!
I heard those hurtful words related back to me and even-though I was angry, it broke my heart more!
But somehow I was given strength NOT to fight or criticize back (even-though I am tempted to do so) and these are the words that rings clear! And by that I won the battle-round
and I still have all the friends stick to me! Thanks peeps! 
One word that I couldn't forget : 
"She has no money one! Say hubby is a management so and so! I asked her to buy a Burberry on discount also doesn't want! I am getting one! You wanna come see my Burberry!"
Well the answer now??!!?? 
"I don't want a Burberry on discount! God has blessed me with the ability to go to Europe and buy a real Louis Vuitton!" Kudos! 

 This is related to the one above! 
I am glad I didnt respond! Although at that time I am called weak and the guilty one! 
I knew and I was assured by my hubby, I wasn't what she said
and he loves me for who I am! Amen! I am glad I am not like them!

Before I wrapped up this post, I hope you are encourged by my words, just like above state:
"The biggest shame you could do to the people who brought you down is
Stand taller than you once were! And prove to people that you are genuine!
Stay real if you know you are wrongfully accused!

God bless ;)

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Stuffed Toy Hospital

As everybody around us know, hubby and I love our Care-bears like our sons! We treat them like a part of the family and give them the best of everything. They traveled with us everywhere including our trip to Europe! We refer to them as our boys! 

Told ya they are precious! They are on the plane with us to London. 
Princeton said : "We are around the world Care-bears"

In that light, I was looking up the Internet for something to preserve and to keep them clean and handsome so that they could be with us all our life! All this while I have been keeping them clean with the simple steps I know off : When I first bought them, I will quickly polish their eyes with clear nail polish upon first day of adoption so that the eyes will not fade through time! The only one that did not get polished is Princeton because he was the first to be adopted from Action City - 1U shopping mall and I do not know about the trick earlier! Also every half a year I will wrapped them in laundry bags (if you do not have them you can wrapped them in normal pillow cases) and put them to gentle spin in washing machine in order for them to clean but I will rubbed their "belly badges" with Dynamo as they tend to get dirty a lot (Princeton's is the dirtiest as he likes to "long lai long khe" (It means walked around in Hokkien - Chinese). If you do not want to put them in washing machine, then you can put them into a pail and brush them gentlely with a brush! Buy those soft brush for them! Use to use toothbrush and brush them with my sister BUT that will take forever to clean! 

Other than the routine, we would like to add on extra cleaning measures, so I Google it up! I am way happy to discover that there are something called "Stuffed Toy Hospital" (Yay!) They will do an A to Z maintenance to your toys and keep them clean and brand new for just a package price! As I am reading! My happiness comes to a sudden pause! The problem is it is in the States! 
:(  *Sob* *Sob*
My happiness is for nothing! They are so lucky to have this in the States!
They do restoration to "overly loved" toys (That is what they called the tattered toy that you love)
and they replace any parts from head to toes that are missing! Bless them!! 

For Malaysia, this is what I found when I Google "Stuffed Toy Hospital MALAYSIA" 

This has got to be a joke!!!! "Abuse dog found in a trash" for stuffed toy hospital Malaysia?
(Before you guys jump at me! I am not saying the abuse dog a joke!
I am saying the search result! - There can be a lot of sensitive peeps out there)

We need to have something like this here! Maybe there is something that I can start to do? But looking at Malaysia's way of spending! They basically just throw things away and get a new one! Staying here now, I can see that people just throw away stuff that are still good and brand new ranging from kitchen equipment, clothes, books and just yesterday my neighbor push out a brand new sofa-set they wanted to dispose because they are getting a new one! Please Malaysian do safe and do not waste! (Let me just say no comment! I am no judge! As I do that once a while too) 

Oh well wait! I just looked up my neighboring country! As it is just 15 minutes away! I found this! Happiness returned again! Thank God for Singapore! A country so near that is developing just like countries so far away! (If you know what I am saying!) 

Yay! At least there is something like that! Loving it! 
And now my sons can play happily and naughtily! 

Haters gonna hate how we love them! 
Haters gonna criticize how we should grow up and get a life!
Haters gonna hate and tell us to make a real baby!
But then who are they to teach us how to live!
(We love love them all)

"Have a nice day and love and hugs xoxo!"
From: Papa, Mama and
Green - Ryielton Good Luck (Eldest) - 6 years old
Yellow - Dayton Funshine - 4 years old
Orange - Princeton Laugh-a-Lot - 3 years old
Lilac - Hamilton Share-a-Lot (Youngest) & Lumpy (his pet toy) - 2 years old
Light Blue - Ashton Bedtime - 2 1/2 years old
Navy Blue - Clayton Champion - 5 years old

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Gift Ideas for Mother's Day

Mother's Day is right around the corner folks! For me and my sis Mother's Day has always been celebrated, every year without fail and that calls for gifts (yay! I love to give!) Ever since when we are given our own pocket money, we have tried to save as much as possible in order to organize a small mother's day appreciation dinner! So after many years along with Mom's birthday and Christmas, the gifts ideas are running on limited ideas but nonetheless I still think of something to give and given situation now, choices are wider in range compare to when we were younger where we have to set budget of within MYR50. 

In case you are wondering what to give to mum, here are the things that we have given mom and she love it.

1) A self made card is worth more than anything money can buy
I do not have a picture of it but I have made many myself. If you have never try this before try doing it! Google up some craft ideas if you type in "Card ideas for Mom's Day" I bet there are a lot of website that would show you how to craft up a beautiful card for mom and to top that, put in a poem of some heartfelt words for mommy straight from the heart! If you are no good with poems or words, search up some song words or appreciation quotes from the Internet and put in some personal touch like a picture of you and mom and that will be pretty!

2) A day with mom with a hearty meal 
Time is gold! That's how the wise saying goes! Well indeed if you spend your time with mommy it is gold indeed. Amidst our busy schedule, remember to spend some time with mommy, and Mom's Day is a good day to start! Suggestion: Take mom for a dim sum morning, and then bring her for a light shopping and then a light dinner to whatever mom likes! The most precious gift you can give to mom - YOUR TIME

3) Voucher for an exclusive spa, resort retreat and relaxing facial
This we have done before when we were younger - during my college time. Buy mom a spa and massage voucher at relaxing Rain-forest spa. Mom who has always given us the best has been a while since she went for such place and its is nice to get her one and then sent her there so that she could enjoy her day being pampered like a queen. If you are wondering where to get one which are reasonable yet great. You can consider :
Rainforest Spa
Green Canopy Setia Eco Park
5C Jalan Setia Nusantara U13/17
Tel: 03-3344 3848 
Fax: 03-3344 3878

Nice place to get mom pampered. You can always give them a call 

and booked in advance. I went there in advance and request for a voucher from them and i put them in a nicely written card and envelope for mom.

4) A vacation
If you could afford it, it is always nice to buy mom a vacation, doesn't have to be expansive overseas trip, there are many beautiful places in Malaysia that can be really nice. Do pre-informed her first before placing the booking so that she knows because to some people travelling might not be their cup of tea! So hope that you know your moms.

5) A photo frame with your family picture in it
This is easy to do and very nice and affordable! All you need is a little effort and the ideas will flow freely!

6) Know your mom and look for things that she let hint when you are talking to her example
    • Perfume 
      • For my mom she especially like perfume and we wouldn't want mommy to use that cheap over the counter perfume that stales at the end of the day! So far mommy love J'adore from Dior (very sweet scent for a modern mommy) and Diamonds from Giorgio Armani. You can experiment with other scents and see which one you would imagine your mommy wearing! 
    • Watch
      • I remembered my first watch for mommy that she still wears until today! Its from Elle and I am in my first job and it was mom's day, so I brought her to choose which one she would like. Being a mom, I believe that they wouldn't want their children to spend so much on them and I remembered my mom choosing carefully never wanting to overload me! I think its time to get mom another watch this time something extravagant! (Christmas perhaps coz I have brought my mom's day gift already- Oops!)
    • Wallet & Bag
      • Nobody wants their mommy to still be holding that old wallet when we are all clad in LV, Gucci or Burberry! Buy mom something nice for all the times and efforts that she has poured into your life! She definitely deserve things that are good! Make her proud by buying her a nice wallet  or even a bag! This has got to be easy! Look at your ability, if you are the Guess kind of person, I bet you could walked into a Guess and ask for a nice wallet or bag recommendation from the sales person. To make it easier go to "Bags Affair" or "Bagz Bar" in Sunway Pyramid, they have variety of bags that will suit your interest for mom! If you are up for a certain brand and could afford it, well go for it! Coach, Longchamp and Burberry has a lot of suitable range for mommy! Try and see! You will be surprise! But most important thing is check your budget! 
    • Electronic gadget? 
      • Depends on how modern mommy is and what she required! Maybe mommy needs an iPad? Or and Apple iPhone. You could check it and buy mommy one! But then if mommy is not that tech savvy you could get her something nice like if mom love to bake - An oven, a saute pan, a gourmet tea brewery kit (its very nice and I am tempted to buy BUT I know it is of no use to mom!) but I would love to buy something nice to lighten mommy's work load - Yay! I have another gift idea! By writing this I have gift ideas until next Christmas! (Ha! Ha!) Here is something the new i-robot (no its not from Apple) or maybe its called the mini robot! (Automatic vacuum machine that functions to clean up the house at a designated time)  
        This is the mini-robot
        Price : MYR1800

    • Custom made Jewelry
      • This is a bit old fashion but its always a safe bet for those who ran out of idea  on what to buy for mom! You can walk into Diamond & Platinum or Poh Kong Diamonds or any jewelry shops and ask for Mom's Day gift and in a material world today, they have a wide selection of Mom's Day gift. One for example check the below pamphlet out! 
These are one of the example of promotion done by D & P.
For cheaper more affordable ones you can try Lazo Diamond (example below)

The ideas can go on for miles! All you need is a little effort, the next time you think, what should I get for mom remembered sometimes what mom needed is not all this but a little time spend with them, that will certainly bring a smile to their face! So happy celebrating mom's day! Tell your mom you love them everyday and not just on Mother's Day!  

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Split Personalities Issue?!?

I want to dedicate this entry to a very close friend of mine. I probably wouldn't and shouldn't mentioned his name BUT his behavior has raised not only my concerns but also slowly building a barrier between us! Even my hubby is in disbelief over his stories! I find it difficult to care and to say a word of comfort every time if he is to tell me a story about his current happenings. It seems to me that he has watched too much of TVB Chinese series. 

I do not know how to react, should I care? Should I even continue to dwell in his stories and try to give him whatever words of comfort available? (words of comfort and prayers, I have given more than a thousand times) BUT i think I will pray differently now! Instead of focusing on his "stories" issues solution, I will go straight to the root cause of the problem! His identity issues! He seems to be of crisis in that! 

What am I saying? Let me tell you a story.
Clock in the car showing 7.00am, Celine Dion's - Power of Love blasting through the stereo of the car. This young man, well Brandon (I am not using real name) in his late twenties is sitting in his usual traffic crawl to his office. He impatiently checks the clock every 5 minutes and cursing under his breathe "I have a stack of documents at work to be sent out, if only one day I am not stuck in this hideous jam" He glanced at the clock one more time and his mind drifted to the date that he is going to have tonight! Nancy, the girl he is currently after, everything seems pretty good between the two of them, unlike all the others she has responded well to his calls and invitation, maybe there is a chance - that makes him smile a little forgetting about the traffic madness outside his car's windows! 

Whole day at work was busy but being the normal executive, he usually gets a lot of firing from the boss, its a tough industry - shipping, he tells his friends and to make it sound even better he is the manager there! This is the secret that he has been hiding and a lot more! He signs off his documents and punch his computer off at 5.30pm to get home and make it on time for his date. Switched on his mobile and update his Facebook status "Work is crazy, so many non-co-operative people! Tired of whole day on the phone! Have to do something to get ride of non productive people" 
Split Personality 1 -  He told his friends that he is the manager but from his maturity?!? He doesn't get pass senior executive?!?? 

The date went on fine BUT the downside is that, Nancy like all the other girls told him that there is not any potential development other than normal friends! He asked himself why! After dropping her off at her door with just a "I think we should just be normal friends until you get well" "Get well" he repeated! So what is wrong??? 
He update his Facebook status - "Gotta get well soon, gotta listen to doctor and be on time for my medicine"
Another Facebook update: @I'msogoodatdrinking, lets go for a beer I am sad!
Split personality 2 - He is sick! and he is telling all the girls he is! What would us girls think? You better get well before doing anything else! And if you are sick you wouldn't be drinking so much! Take note towards that!

He was almost late for work today! And his manager warns him to be early the next time. He try to make a coffee to kick off the hangover he is having from yesterday's drinking! "Aww man! This just doesn't feel so good! I am going to stop drinking!" he said for the 100th times! He checks his Facebook status respond and as usual his best friend and sister always respond! On his drinking status she said - "Drink again! Better stop that! What about your promise??!!" He always considered her closest to him! No matter what, she is there for him just that now she is married and have another life on her own! She no longer easily reachable! But that is fine, he always got Facebook! Since life is a bit of a downer better create something good out of it! He switched on "Facebook for Android" and writes
What is on my mind? "Going to concentrate on business with my business partner, sorry that I have slacked a little off late been caught up with this! Go! Go! Go! Continue to keep up the good work during my absence" 
Split Personality 3 - He is a successful business man who has business all over Europe, New Zealand and God-knows-where! But still lives with his parents, drives a small car and go to work in a small office when he got press down by big ass bosses everyday! 
Late that evening he switched on his Facebook again after a long day at work and updates "I am sorry guys, I have to do what I have to do! Now I feel guilty! I do not know what to do, I didn't mean to get you fire BUT work has to get done"
Split Personality 4 - He tells everyone he has got a few people fired and that happened all the time and he plunges into a total feeling of emptiness and that calls for alcoholic solution! (Sick??!?? I thought you were sick!!)

He wakes up the next morning and like any other usual day, he gets ready to work. Thinking about Nancy brings a heartbroken chill! She has not replied to any of his text ever since that day. "Maybe I will try again" he types "Hi" and hit sent! Try not to think about it he drives to work! He switched on his Facebook again and type (this time in Chinese so that big sis will not know) - "Winning this business deal makes me sad and guilty - why do you have to kill yourself after losing? because you throw in all your family money! 
Split personality 5 - Now what? drama after drama! When asked by his friends what business you are doing he cannot even answer and now people committing suicide because of him??!? What is this man! 
Status update later at night - "Dear all business partners, there will be a big business gathering at hotel so and so and please make yourself present for buffet lunch"
Split personality 6 - I thought you are sick, heartbroken and then guilty! Now you have appetite to have a hearty lunch just right after what you updated earlier in the morning - that someone committed suicide because of your business win??!?? Shouldn't there be a funeral to attend or message of condolence?!!? 

Listening to his story, I couldn't actually gathered up any emotions at all and to be concerned, I am far from that! His actions and words contradict each other! So I do not know how except to go straight to prayer for his mind to be at peace with itself! I once read a quote which is very applicable :

"The soul has its ability to heal itself and set everything in order BUT the challenge is to silence the mind!" 

That is what he needs to do and just fess up to his normal life and that he is a normal executive trying to gain his way in the industry that he has chosen and that he will do his best to excel and prayerfully in the right timing a girl will come to love him for who he really is! 

And yeah! Did I tell you about his ex tragic death?! Well I am not going to go into it that maybe some other time not today! I simply believe that all this issue is because of the lack of self confidence and his continuous failure in getting a girl! To keep a friendship, we need to built them on honesty, truth and openness, even though sometimes we just need to bite the bullet and admit that we are not a success YET! 

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Happy Monday ;)

Its been a week since I last blogged! Supposing people say that life at home be boring and I will have nothing to do! But I am quite busy as a matter of fact! Dunno why?!!? I was telling myself to get down into burning the CDs of my wedding pix for friends and families BUT I have YET to start on it... And was thinking to start back on my Lord of the Rings series! Resuming reading the last book "The Return of the King" but couldn't connect head or tail on the stories because I cannot remember all the details and the preceding events so I decided to read it all over again starting from "The Hobbits". (Problem : I haven't even flip a single page YET!) 

I have been up to a lot of stuff lately! Love cooking and I have researched on a lot of stuff to cook. I have mastered "Man Yee Mien" & "Wan Tan Hor" - two of my personal favorites! And also I have learned up "Pandan Chicken" and my latest is "chik kut teh" (chicken version of bah kut teh - so its halal!) 

(He! He! My humble lunch!)
(P/s: Learn something from my mistake :
1) Must boiled for more than 5 hours! Smells good after that anything lesser will not be so yummy
2) Don't put Chinese wine into marinating your chicken it will spoil the taste & smell of the herbs! )

There are a lot more recipes that I am looking into! Will look into Seafood Paella that I had fallen in love with during our vacation in Italy! And maybe share with you guys the recipe. I just love cooking! God has given me the ability to do it.... Thank God because my hubby love to eat. He is my biggest food critic! He is the one that pointed out about the Chinese wine smell! He is more keen with tasting and food! So he gets the task of buying and choosing seafood & because he love food that is why I love cooking them! It is an encouragement to have someone who love you and the things you do (and with tactful words correct us if it is wrong! Instead of slamming us down all the time!!! I hate that! Its not that I don't heed correction but appreciation is needed in correction!) 

Ok! Shall leave you all with this wonderful words that I read this morning! Have a wonderful Monday.... (Shu! Shu away all Monday blues.. And may you days be filled with joyzzzz.....) Remember praying this everyday.... And AMEN for that.. May all of you be filled with LOVE.... 

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Johor Premium Outlets - JPO

I have many of my friends asking me about this the moment I announced that hubby and I were relocating to Johor! "Remember to visit the JPO" "JPO man! Its going to be cool!" and so on and so forth. They make JPO look like it is something worth the hoo-hah! Well brought my sis and my mom there last week and it was nothing at all! Remember hubby's colleagues telling him JPO is premium man! It is something that the Johorian take pride in. Something that they consider above average! Well to be honest :

If you are from Johor : It's JPO man! It's wahhhhh!!!!!!
If you hail from KL the land of giant shopping malls, where they compete to built larger and larger malls each year you will be like" It's J-P-O?!!?? 

The main branded stores are : Burberry & Coach. (These are middle luxury) If you consider CK Jeans premium ok! Throw that in as well and also DKNY, POLO & Canali (If you have heard of them! No! Not Cavalli! Not Roberto Cavalli that I love! Its Canali) 
Then followed by the normal shop items : Nike Factory, Puma, Adidas, La Senza Lingerie, Padini, Body Shop and so on and so forth. Those that basically you could easily get in Midvalley, Sunway Pyramid! How premium is that? What I consider Premium is..... VENICE & MILAN! Every single shops is branded, ranging from upper luxury (Gucci, Hermes, Prada) to luxury (LV, Salvatore Ferragamo, Valentino, Armani and so on) that is what I called premium! I could called Pavilion, The Gardens maybe The Curve premium but this hardly qualify! 

Only thing worth to be called premium is the way the shops are design. Its is something very new and fresh! The concept is nice! They are very modern. It's opened air concept! They do copy some architecture from Venice! Venice is surrounded by water up to the doorsteps but this is land but equally pretty I would say! So well done on designing this thing! I love it! But honestly they need to buck up on the shops that they house else this place will lose it appeal.

I went into normal shops like Padini, Body Shop, G2000 and La Senza. 
Padini Concept Store - You should look at the way your KL counterparts arrange their goods, its much more easier that way given that you have the privilege of space that they don't have! 
Body Shop - With such a big store, you should carry full range of your BodyShop products instead of partially! I went in and ask for the shimmer blusher and was told they do not carry cosmetic products! Why not?! It's not premium enough?
G2000 - Majority of your items are off season and on discount? Good sign or bad?
La Senza - You ran out of sizes? How come? For your info Malaysia do not have that much DD, E & F sizes! But more to B and C cups! So why are you stocking up on those??!!?? You should be looking at smaller cups (sorry I am really small - no worries as long as the hubby does not complaint!) I was told that you ran out of bra & underwear of normal sizes. Come on! That's a bummer!

Then the location is nothing to be happy about. It is built in no-men-land! And you have to go through highways and byways to get to it! Another downside is food outlet! There is not much food outlets available??!? You should called in more up-class western and local cuisines. Food do attract people from near and far! Choice of food is very limited! So will I be going back again? Maybe for the Starbucks and for the fun of dating with my husband! Maybe! 

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