Sitting at home doesn't make me stupider like some people would presume.. In fact I have researched up some really cool stuff and some really cool recipes to improve my cooking! For now I have to really go on about something that I found out recently that makes me go "Oh wow!" We have used it ever since we are old enough to wash the dishes after meals BUT only now I realize that it has so many other usage in which I only now discover! I could indeed called it the one solution liquid - OUR DISH-WASHING LIQUID (Cheh! - OK before you guys switch over just give me a few mo' to actually get over this excitement) What it does?!?
- It removes oil stains from your floor & kitchen
- Really! I discovered this after moving to my new home. We have this open concept kitchen & living so the oil sips through and get the whole floor oily! Therefore to stop my woes I did a Google search to see what I could do! And "wa-dah" I discovered the miracle of dish-washing liquid! So to remove oily stains on the floor, just mixed in a cap-full of dish washing liquid into your washing pail and mop away! If you have sticky & oily floor try mixing hot water & dish-washing liquid together in the pail and you are ready to clean!
- Note: Cooking using sunflower oil or any flower oil will result in sticky & oily floor. Whereas cooking using peanut oil and etc will leave you with a oily floor.
- Note: Olive oil? Extra virgin, virgin etc etc! Smart you discover this nature's best oil BUT keep in mind olive oil is NOT for cooking & deep frying, just quick stir fry or for salad!
- It remove stain on fabric cause by glue
- I seldom buy any clothing from "CottonOn" but I do not know why I walked in and found this really nice play-suit! The price tag says its MYR80 but I got it for only MYR30 when I went and pay for it! So happy! Later my joy was cut short when I realized that the huge sticker on the front of the dress that says "I am the all new play-suit" is irremovable! When I forcefully remove it, it leaves residues that is really prominent and sticky! I smartly threw the receipt away, cancelling any chance of exchanging! So I have to remove it to make my money worth! So I try dish-washing liquid again! To my surprise after a few rubs the what seems like stubborn stains slowly were remove! I have a brand new play-suit! Ha! Ha!
- Repels ants
- I hate dirtiness and what more pest! I live by this rule "I am lazy to do cleaning BUT I hate dirtiness even more!" That is the reason why I am such a cleaning freak! All the more after married! I realize that my kitchen top has a lot of ants and eventually they are making it an island! So I got really pissed off and try washing my kitchen top with dishwasher instead of those commercial kitchen stain remover! And ever since then I realize that it just works! No more ants on my kitchen top! Now I should use some on my dining table! Keep those hardworking insects away! But I have to figure out a way to repel lizards! Oh! I hate them as much as I am afraid of them!
- It removes odor!
- If you have a spray bottle (like those you use for ironing) fill it up with diluted dish washing liquid and spray on your kitchen tiles! It works as good as "Mr Muscle" but twice cheaper!
- Home manicure
- I love home manicure, matter of fact I have tens and twenties different types of nail colors at home. Realize that when you go for manicure after the manicurist remove dead cells from your nails, they will make you soak your hand in a small boil of warm water? Well I used to thought it was some kind of luxury nail salon formula until they told me it was just eco-friendly dish washing liquid mix with warm water! This mixture will eventually soften your nails and remove grease and stains before painting you pretty! That is what I now do at home too...
- Soaked your grissy tools and equipment
- Your man loves outdoorsy stuff! Well if they come in grissy and all oily, just tell them to wash their hands and feet with the dish washing liquid and they will be clean as normal! And to sound like you are really a smart-ass, wash their grissy equipments in a pail of dish-washing solutions and without telling you will look really smart the next time around ;)
My choice of dish-washing! Aiya! You can get them easily from any hypermarket ;) |
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