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Food Tasting

We went for food tasting a week ago, we found that the hotel food is quite nice! And am satisfied with the food served. But we found a few dishes being too salty but at least we didn't order them in our menu! We have sit through and plan out the best dishes for our guest and we do hope that everything will be ok! And the food will be tasty and does not make our guest thirsty! Below are the pictures to our food tasting last Friday. 

Pictures speak a thousand words
1) The serve us fresh mussel, prawn and stuff
2) Just the bar counter where the roast chicken is
3) The centerpieces, I have a fascination for chandelier and that one over there is aww so nice
4) The salad counter! Basically what we will have on our day
5) Overall food serving area!

Personally likes this one a lot! Strawberry pudding and its so nice! 

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